

2016年美国圣托马斯大学(ST. Thomas University)考研艺术生调剂公告

摘要:  调剂专业:Master of Arts(MA) in Communication Arts艺术硕士——交流艺术  方向:The Specialization in Arts Management...

  调剂专业:Master of Arts(MA) in Communication Arts艺术硕士——交流艺术

  方向:The Specialization in Arts Management 艺术管理


  美国圣托玛斯大学(ST. THOMAS UNIVERSITY) 1946 年建校,位于迈阿密西北角。校园面积60万平方米。STU 是美国高等教育一级大学,名列大南部地区第63名,是美国极少达到师生比例1:13小班教学的美国大学。

  STU 以“培养领袖人才”为己任,设有领导学研究院,法学院,科技与工程管理学院等。STU艺术管理专业位列美国最具权威的艺术管理教育协会AAAE,学生在迈阿密多元文化的大都会环境下享有得天独厚的实际参与产业的机会,毕业生受到好莱坞、及艺术品行业的青睐。法学院被美国律师协会(AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION)认可,同时也是美国法律学院协会(THE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN LAW SCHOOLS)的成员之一;STU 的体育管理专业全美排名第三,为世界的体育领域输送了许多领军人物。

  STU 校友中不乏各行各业知名的人才,如全球最大传媒集团“麦肯世界集团”的首席执行官;前迈阿密- 戴德市长;迈阿密NBA 热火队副总裁等都毕业于圣托马斯大学。丰富的校友资源,也保障了毕业生的高就业率。


  艺术管理专业(Art Management)是以现代管理观念与管理理论为依托,以文化市场需要为根据所设计的新型专业。艺术管理通常是学习如何管理艺术机构,艺术机构通常包括非盈利的大型机构,例如歌剧院、博物馆、电影院、以及芭蕾舞剧团等等,以及一些小型的盈利性机构,例如拍卖行、画廊、唱片公司、电视台、媒体公司、文化传播公司、艺术品投资公司、文化创意产业投资公司等等。艺术管理者的职责在于负责人员的管理、项目融资、市场策划、预算控制、公共关系、项目发展与测评等等。


  艺术管理在美国有专业协会——Association of Arts Administration Educators(简写AAAE),是国际性的艺术管理教育的权威协会。STU位列这个协会认可的艺术管理专业的大学之一,具有较高的权威性。















  - 考研成绩30%

  - 本科专业成绩20%

  - 社会实践项目20%

  - 综合素质(面试)30%








  百度网盘下载地址:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1mhhsAFI 密码: d4q1

  360网盘下载地址:https://yunpan.cn/cYICpRGaznSKi 密码:4411

  Adjustment Statement

  In 2016, St. Thomas University initiates to assigns 12 places to receive Chinese art students who intends to proceed the postgraduate entrance examination adjustment. As the statement indicates, St. Thomas University encourages elite students to apply for postgraduate adjusting via the result of postgraduate examination as well as other necessary materials. Students who manage to adjust successfully are permitted to study for the Master’s Degree in America and the academic duration lasts one and a half years to two years. After graduation, students can obtain the internship visa for one years and have their Master’s Degree evaluated in domestic.

  Conditions for Postgraduate Adjustment

  1. Have participated in the 2016 Postgraduate Entrance Examination and have obtained the effective final scores.

  2. Have the Undergraduate Diploma and Certificate of Bachelor’s Degree, which are both approved by the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China

  3. TOEFL: More than 80 (If no TOEFL score, students can take part in our university’s Language Training Center, and take part in the TOEFL at the university )

  Reviewing Mode

  1. Review the basic qualifications: Undergraduate Transcript, Transcript of Postgraduate Entrance Examination, Undergraduate Diploma and Certificate of Bachelor’s Degree (Fresh undergraduates are allowed to provide them after their undergraduate universities issue them)

  2. Reexamination Assessment

  Students who are qualified to enter the reexamination will receive the following inspections, and we will admit student in the due order which is decided by their comprehensive scores:

  l Score of Postgraduate Entrance Examination 30%

  l Score of Undergraduate Professional Studies 20%

  l Social Practical Project 20%

  l Overall Quality (Interview) 30%

  Adjustment Procedure

  Sweep shape code/bar code to sign up—Being informed by phone and submit application documents—Initial Review—Reexamination—Issue the admission letter—Visa Interviewing Training—Enter the US to study

  Adjustment Notes

  Due to the limited time and the limited places, we St. Thomas University decided to receive the application from this very day. All applicants must send their electronic versions of reviewing materials and application forms to our dedicated email prior to April 15: STU_china@126.com

  Applicants who meet the application conditions and pass the basic qualification reviewing are invited to participate in the reexamination held by our Official China Admission Office. Only the most excellent applicants can be selected.

  Prompts: Students are encouraged to hand in their art profiles, practice certificates, achievements and awards which can strongly support their application.

  Download Links for Application Forms:

  For Baidu Network Disk User: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1mhhsAFI 密码: d4q1

  For 360 Network Disk User: https://yunpan.cn/cYICpRGaznSKi 密码:4411
